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PortSystem          1.0

name                pdfsandwich
version             0.1.7
revision            3
checksums           rmd160  af225ba734329b1c8e4583f05ea5aa84d78512af \
                    sha256  9795ffea84b9b6b501f38d49a4620cf0469ddf15aac31bac6dbdc9ec1716fa39 \
                    size    17461

platforms           darwin
categories          textproc graphics
maintainers         nomaintainer
license             GPL-2+

description         a tool to make \"sandwich\" OCR pdf files

long_description    pdfsandwich generates \"sandwich\" OCR PDF files, \
                    i.e. PDF files which contain only images (no text) \
                    will be processed by optical character recognition \
                    (OCR) and the text will be added to each page \
                    invisibly \"behind\" the images. \
                    pdfsandwich is a command line tool which is supposed \
                    to be useful to OCR scanned books or journals. \
                    It is able to recognize the page layout even for \
                    multicolumn text.

homepage            http://www.tobias-elze.de/pdfsandwich/
master_sites        sourceforge:project/${name}/${name}%20${version}
use_bzip2           yes

depends_build       port:ocaml \

depends_run         port:exact-image \
                    port:ghostscript \
                    port:ImageMagick \
                    path:lib/pkgconfig/poppler.pc:poppler \
                    port:tesseract \

patchfiles          Makefile.patch

universal_variant   no