PortSystem              1.0

name                    nightshade
version                 10.2.1
categories              science education
maintainers             lists.launchpad.net:nightshade
description             Nightshade Anstronomy Simulator
long_description        NightShade(tm) is a free, open source astronomy \
                        simulation and visualization software for teaching \
                        and exploring astronomy, Earth science, and related \
                        topics. Nightshade is based on the award-winning \
                        Stellarium software, but tailored for planetarium \
                        and educator use.
homepage                http://nightshadesoftware.org/
platforms               darwin
master_sites            ${homepage}downloads/
checksums               md5 67381c00bd98d3d1bfce92638a7e9507 \
                        sha1 ca0ce4a2cf0f5b5343e0915d948407a125b96758 \
                        rmd160 daee89bebbbac6f9980b4e6c0e55b2725a8b60ce
depends_lib             port:libsdl_mixer \
use_autoreconf          yes
configure.args          --disable-sdltest