# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4

PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           mpi 1.0
PortGroup           linear_algebra 1.0

name                berkeleygw
version             2.0.0
revision            6
categories          science
platforms           darwin
license             BSD
maintainers         {dstrubbe @dstrubbe}

description         GW/Bethe-Salpeter equation
long_description    BerkeleyGW is a set of computer codes that calculate the quasiparticle properties \
                    and the optical responses of a large variety of materials from bulk periodic crystals \
                    to nanostructures such as slabs, wires and molecules, using many-body perturbation theory \
                    (the GW approximation and Bethe-Salpeter equation).
homepage            http://www.berkeleygw.org

checksums           rmd160  56c3330b9f8928439b04b503f56a3df6dc3a32f0 \
                    sha256  887146cc6598a509a6d2a7b5044d12ebc5a4a2c7b028513f247fe62cf0861563 \
                    size    71864027

master_sites        https://berkeley.box.com/shared/static
distfiles           wkqu37wu77tll53r8t1soe6ozqja67yy.gz
# needed for case-sensitive filesystems
worksrcdir          BGW-${version}

depends_lib         port:fftw-3
if {![variant_isset fftw2]} {
    compilers.enforce_some_fortran  fftw-3

# May fail with +mpich +gcc5. Use +mpich +gfortran instead.
# In file included from /opt/local/include/mpich-gcc5/mpi.h:2231:0,
#                  from icm.cpp:86:
# /opt/local/include/mpich-gcc5/mpicxx.h:22:4: error: #error 'Please use the same version of GCC and g++ for compiling MPICH and user MPI programs'
#  #  error 'Please use the same version of GCC and g++ for compiling MPICH and user MPI programs'
#     ^

# WHAT DO WE DO WHEN meaning of 'gfortran' is updated? No record... Maybe rename to gfortran5 etc. ?

compilers.choose    fc cc cxx cpp
compilers.allow_arguments_mismatch yes
mpi.setup           require_fortran -g95
# won't compile with g95
#In file Common/timing.p.f:289
#   contains
#           1
#Error: Unexpected CONTAINS statement at (1)

if {[mpi_variant_isset]} {
    depends_lib-append  port:scalapack
    #FIXME: this unnecessarily enforces scalapack also had same C compiler as we are using.
    # Without this MPI consistency, a seg fault may occur.
    mpi.enforce_variant scalapack

# fftw is not universal
universal_variant   no

configure {
    system -W ${worksrcpath} "sed 's|/opt/local|${prefix}|' < config/generic.serial.macos.mk > arch.mk"
    reinplace -W ${worksrcpath} "s|MATHFLAG += -DHDF5||" arch.mk

# Makefile: fix changed path, otherwise destroot would fail
# BSE/vmtxel.f90: guard MPI_COMM_WORLD with #ifdef MPI, or cannot compile in serial
patchfiles         patch-Makefile.diff \

build.target	    all-flavors
use_parallel_build  yes

destroot.post_args  INSTDIR=${destroot}${prefix}
test.run            yes
# BN.test will fail because it is written assuming h5

#depends_build       port:gsed
pre-test {
    reinplace -W ${worksrcpath}/testsuite "s|sed|gsed|" Graphene/Graphene.test Graphene/Graphene_3D.test \
        Si-EPM/Si.test Si-EPM/Si_cplx_spin.test

    if {[mpi_variant_isset]} {
        test.args-append    TESTSCRIPT="MPIEXEC=${prefix}/bin/${mpi.exec} make check-parallel"
        test.target         check-jobscript

        # FIXME: what about with threads? set OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 and divide build.jobs by 2.
        test.env-append BGW_TEST_MPI_NPROCS=${build.jobs}
    } else {
        test.target         check

notes {
    For the purposes of record-keeping and support, please register an account at www.berkeleygw.org.

pre-build {
    build.args-append   LINK="${configure.fc}" CC_COMP=${configure.cxx} C_COMP=${configure.cc} C_LINK=${configure.cxx} \
                        LAPACKLIB="-L${prefix}/lib/ ${linalglib}"

    set mathflag ""
    if {[variant_isset hdf5]} {
        set mathflag "${mathflag} -DHDF5"
        reinplace -W ${worksrcpath} "s|\#HDF5|HDF5|g" arch.mk
    if {[variant_isset fftw2]} {
        build.args-append  FFTWLIB="-L${prefix}/lib/ -ldfftw"
    } else {
        if {[variant_isset threads]} {
            build.args-append  FFTWLIB="-L${prefix}/lib/ -lfftw3 -lfftw3_threads"
        } else {
            build.args-append  FFTWLIB="-L${prefix}/lib/ -lfftw3"
        set mathflag "${mathflag} -DUSEFFTW3"

    configure.fcflags-append -ffree-form -fno-second-underscore

    if {[variant_isset g95]} {
        build.args-append COMPFLAG="-DG95" FCPP="${configure.cc} -E -x c -P -ansi" MOD_OPT="-fmod=" \
            F90free="${configure.fc} -ffree-line-length-huge ${configure.fcflags}"
        # test, destroot args needed just to avoid trying to build in the test/openmp directory unnecessarily
        test.args-append  COMPFLAG="-DG95"
        destroot.args-append  COMPFLAG="-DG95"
    } else {
        if {[gcc_variant_isset]} {
            build.args-append FCPP="${configure.cpp} -C"
        } else {
            # for clang. Could be wrong in odd situation where no C variant is set, and default is not clang.
            build.args-append FCPP="${configure.cc} -E -x c -ansi"

        # gcc is default in arch.mk so most things do not need to be modified
        build.args-append F90free="${configure.fc} -ffree-line-length-none ${configure.fcflags}"

    if {[variant_isset threads]} {
        set paraflag "-DOMP"
    } else {
        set paraflag ""
    if {[mpi_variant_isset]} {
        set mathflag "${mathflag} -DUSESCALAPACK"
        set paraflag "${paraflag} -DMPI"
        build.args-append C_PARAFLAG="-DPARA" SCALAPACKLIB="-L${prefix}/lib/ -lscalapack"

    build.args-append   MATHFLAG="${mathflag}" PARAFLAG="${paraflag}"
    test.args-append    MATHFLAG="${mathflag}" PARAFLAG="${paraflag}"

variant threads description {Build with OpenMP support} conflicts g95 {
    set configure.fc "${configure.fc} -fopenmp"

variant debug description {Add debug flags for more checking and output, but slower runs.} {
    build.args-append    DEBUGFLAG="-DDEBUG -DVERBOSE"

variant hdf5 description {Build with HDF5 support for faster epsmat I/O} {
    depends_lib-append          port:hdf5
    require_active_variants     port:hdf5 hl
    compilers.enforce_fortran   hdf5
    mpi.enforce_variant         hdf5
    # if MPI, hdf5 must have MPI

variant fftw2 description {Build with FFTW-2} {
    depends_lib-replace        port:fftw-3 port:fftw
    # fftw port always has a Fortran variant

livecheck.type      regex
livecheck.url       https://berkeleygw.org/download/
livecheck.regex     BGW-(\[0-9.\]+).tar.gz