# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup python 1.0 PortGroup compilers 1.0 name py-numpy version 1.26.4 revision 1 # stealth update recipe, due to swith to PyPI dist_subdir ${name}/${version}_1 categories-append math license BSD maintainers {michaelld @michaelld} {reneeotten @reneeotten} openmaintainer description The core utilities for the scientific library scipy for Python long_description {*}${description} homepage https://numpy.org checksums rmd160 7f094022d62015d8ea78da78b37fd6f4f4e3076b \ sha256 2a02aba9ed12e4ac4eb3ea9421c420301a0c6460d9830d74a9df87efa4912010 \ size 15786129 compiler.c_standard 1999 compiler.cxx_standard 2017 if {${name} ne ${subport}} { # the python PortGroup puts compiler names in build.env and destroot.env for # this to be done correctly, the following must be located before python.versions pre-build { set_compilers } pre-destroot { set_compilers } } python.versions 39 310 311 312 313 python.pep517_backend meson if {${name} ne ${subport}} { patchfiles patch-numpy_tests_test_scripts.py.diff \ patch-arm64_min.diff \ patch-fcompiler_g95.diff \ patch-build_cython_path.diff \ patch_meson-python-version_pyproject.toml.diff post-patch { # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46392 if {${os.arch} eq "powerpc"} { reinplace "s,'-O3','-O2'," \ ${worksrcpath}/numpy/distutils/fcompiler/gnu.py } if { [use_wrapper] } { # Prepare wrappers file copy -force ${filespath}/wrapper-template \ ${worksrcpath}/c-wrapper file copy -force ${filespath}/wrapper-template \ ${worksrcpath}/f-wrapper file copy -force ${filespath}/wrapper-template \ ${worksrcpath}/cxx-wrapper reinplace "s|@@@|${configure.cc}|" ${worksrcpath}/c-wrapper reinplace "s|---|\\\\.c|" ${worksrcpath}/c-wrapper reinplace "s|&&&|${prefix}|" ${worksrcpath}/c-wrapper reinplace "s|@@@|${configure.cxx}|" ${worksrcpath}/cxx-wrapper reinplace "s#---#(\\\\.C|\\\\.cpp|\\\\.cc)#" \ ${worksrcpath}/cxx-wrapper reinplace "s|&&&|${prefix}|" ${worksrcpath}/cxx-wrapper reinplace "s|@@@|${configure.f90}|" ${worksrcpath}/f-wrapper reinplace "s|---|\\\\.f|" ${worksrcpath}/f-wrapper reinplace "s|&&&|${prefix}|" ${worksrcpath}/f-wrapper } } depends_build-append \ path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig build.env-append CYTHON=${prefix}/bin/cython-${python.branch} # do not allow fallback to (slow) NumPy-internal routines if no external BLAS/LAPACK libraries are found build.args-append -Csetup-args=-Dallow-noblas=false compilers.setup -clang -gcc44 -gcc45 -gcc46 -gcc47 -gcc48 \ -gcc5 -gcc6 -gcc7 --g95 # https://trac.macports.org/ticket/67136 depends_run-append port:py${python.version}-oldest-supported-numpy depends_lib-append port:fftw-3 \ path:bin/cython-${python.branch}:py${python.version}-cython # NumPy (and SciPy) only support the Accelerate framework for macOS 13.3+ # see: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/v1.26.4/INSTALL.rst#macos if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && (${os.major} > 22 || ${os.major} == 22 && ${os.minor} >= 3)} { variant accelerate conflicts openblas flexiblas blis description "Use Apples Accelerate Framework" { build.args-append -Csetup-args=-Dblas=accelerate -Csetup-args=-Dlapack=accelerate } } variant openblas conflicts accelerate flexiblas blis description "Use MacPorts OpenBLAS Libraries" { depends_lib-append path:lib/libopenblas.dylib:OpenBLAS build.args-append -Csetup-args=-Dblas=openblas -Csetup-args=-Dlapack=openblas \ -Csetup-args=-Dpkg_config_path=${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig } variant flexiblas conflicts accelerate openblas blis description "Use MacPorts FlexiBLAS libraries" { depends_lib-append port:flexiblas build.args-append -Csetup-args=-Dblas=flexiblas -Csetup-args=-Dlapack=flexiblas \ -Csetup-args=-Dpkg_config_path=${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig } variant blis conflicts accelerate openblas flexiblas description "Use MacPorts BLIS/lapack libraries" { # TODO: eventually this could/should use libFLAME, but currently NumPy cannot be convinced to use it depends_lib-append port:blis \ port:lapack build.args-append -Csetup-args=-Dblas=blis -Csetup-args=-Dlapack=lapack \ -Csetup-args=-Dpkg_config_path=${prefix}/share/pkgconfig:${prefix}/lib/lapack/pkgconfig } # set default BLAS/LAPACK variant if none is explicitly selected by the user if {![variant_isset accelerate] && ![variant_isset openblas] && ![variant_isset flexiblas] && ![variant_isset blis]} { # default to macOS Accelerate framework if macOS 13.3 or higher, otherwise OpenBLAS # see: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/v1.26.4/INSTALL.rst#macos if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && (${os.major} > 22 || ${os.major} == 22 && ${os.minor} >= 3)} { default_variants +accelerate } else { default_variants +openblas } } if {![fortran_variant_isset]} { default_variants-append +gfortran } test.run yes test.cmd ${python.bin} runtests.py test.args --no-build --mode=fast test.env-append CYTHON=${prefix}/bin/cython-${python.branch} \ PYTHONPATH=${destroot}${python.pkgd} depends_test-append \ port:py${python.version}-cffi \ port:py${python.version}-charset-normalizer \ port:py${python.version}-cython \ port:py${python.version}-hypothesis \ port:py${python.version}-mypy \ port:py${python.version}-typing_extensions \ port:py${python.version}-tz # determine if special wrapper values are needed for compiler names # a procedure is needed since variants from PortGroup compilers must # be evaluated before it can be determined if clang is being used proc use_wrapper {} { global configure.cc if {[variant_exists universal] && [variant_isset universal]} { if {![string match *clang* ${configure.cc}]} { # gcc compilers do not handle multiple -arch values properly return 1 } } return 0 } # set compiler names proc set_compilers {} { global configure.cc configure.cxx configure.fc worksrcpath if {[use_wrapper]} { # override values set in compilers PortGroup configure.cc ${worksrcpath}/c-wrapper configure.cxx ${worksrcpath}/cxx-wrapper configure.fc ${worksrcpath}/f-wrapper configure.f77 ${worksrcpath}/f-wrapper configure.f90 ${worksrcpath}/f-wrapper } } }