# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name macos-vpn-server # use the latest macOS version as the version number of this port version 10.14.5 revision 1 homepage https://opensource.apple.com/source/ppp/ppp-838/Helpers/vpnd/vpnd.5.auto.html categories net platforms {darwin any} supported_archs noarch maintainers {ieee.org:s.t.smith @essandess} openmaintainer license BSD distfiles set SystemConfigurationPath /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration description macOS VPN (L2TP-IPSec-PSK) Server. long_description {*}${description} \ Native macOS VPN Server L2TP-IPSec-PSK configuration using vpnd. This\ configuration is based upon macOS Server.app's VPN server prior to its\ deprecation in Server.app version 5.7. See `man 5 vpnd` and\ ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist\ for details. # uncomment if memorable passwords used # depends_build-append port:sf-pwgen use_configure no build {} set sharePath ${prefix}/share/${name} destroot { xinstall -d \ ${destroot}${sharePath}${SystemConfigurationPath} xinstall -m 0644 -W ${filespath} \ com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist.macports \ ${destroot}${sharePath}${SystemConfigurationPath} } startupitem.create yes startupitem.name ${name} startupitem.executable /usr/sbin/vpnd \ -x \ -i \ org.macports.ppp.l2tp pre-activate { # Add the necessary keychain item for the VPN PSK set vpn_keychain_item [exec /bin/sh -c "RV=\"\" ; /usr/bin/security find-generic-password -a org.macports.ppp.l2tp -s com.apple.net.racoon /Library/Keychains/System.keychain 1> /dev/null 2>&1 && RV=com.apple.net.racoon || /usr/bin/true ; echo \"\${RV}\""] if {[string trim ${vpn_keychain_item}] == ""} { set vpn_pre_shared_secret [exec /usr/bin/openssl rand -base64 24] system "/usr/bin/security add-generic-password -a org.macports.ppp.l2tp -s com.apple.net.racoon -T /usr/sbin/racoon -w ${vpn_pre_shared_secret} -U /Library/Keychains/System.keychain" # delete command: # sudo /usr/bin/security delete-generic-password -a org.macports.ppp.l2tp -s com.apple.net.racoon /Library/Keychains/System.keychain set vpn_keychain_item [exec /bin/sh -c "RV=\"\" ; /usr/bin/security find-generic-password -a org.macports.ppp.l2tp -s com.apple.net.racoon /Library/Keychains/System.keychain 1> /dev/null 2>&1 && RV=com.apple.net.racoon || /usr/bin/true ; echo \"\${RV}\""] if {[string trim ${vpn_keychain_item}] == ""} { ui_warn "Keychain item com.apple.net.racoon for VPN PSK failed to be created." } } } # Network configuration # hard-coded examples set vpn_vpnhost host.domain.tld set vpn_offeredsearchdomain \ domain.tld. set vpn_offeredserveraddress \ set vpn_network 10.0.1. post-activate { # copy to actual config file if it doesn't already exist if {![file exists ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist]} { xinstall -m 0644 ${sharePath}${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist.macports \ ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist # use network settings for installed example configuration set vpn_vpnhost [exec /bin/hostname -f] set vpn_offeredsearchdomain [exec /bin/hostname -f | /usr/bin/sed -E -e "s|^\[^.\]+\\.(.*)\$|\\1.|"] set vpn_offeredserveraddress [exec /usr/sbin/scutil --dns | /usr/bin/grep "DNS configuration (for scoped queries)" -A 7 | /usr/bin/grep nameserver | /usr/bin/sed -E -e "s|^\[\[:space:\]\]*nameserver.+\[\[:space:\]\]*:\[\[:space:\]\]+||" | /usr/bin/head -1] set vpn_network [exec /bin/sh -c "/sbin/ifconfig `/usr/sbin/netstat -nr | /usr/bin/awk '{ if (\$1 ~/default/) { print \$NF} }' | /usr/bin/head -1` | /usr/bin/awk '{ if (\$1 ~/inet\$/) { print \$2} }' | /usr/bin/sed -E -e 's|\\.\[0-9\]{1,3}\$|\\.|'"] set vpn_destaddressrange_start ${vpn_network}245 set vpn_destaddressrange_end ${vpn_network}254 reinplace "s|@VPN_OFFEREDSEARCHDOMAIN@|${vpn_offeredsearchdomain}|g" \ ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist reinplace "s|@VPN_OFFEREDSERVERADDRESS@|${vpn_offeredserveraddress}|g" \ ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist reinplace "s|@VPN_DESTADDRESSRANGE_START@|${vpn_destaddressrange_start}|g" \ ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist reinplace "s|@VPN_DESTADDRESSRANGE_END@|${vpn_destaddressrange_end}|g" \ ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist reinplace "s|@VPN_VPNHOST@|${vpn_vpnhost}|g" \ ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist ui_msg "Configuring VPN Network with: VPNHost ${vpn_vpnhost} OfferedServerAddresses (DNS) ${vpn_offeredserveraddress} OfferedSearchDomains ${vpn_offeredsearchdomain} DestAddressRanges ${vpn_destaddressrange_start} to ${vpn_destaddressrange_end} This configuration can be changed in the file: ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist See `man 5 vpnd` for details." } # Add launchd.plist keys to MacPorts launchdaemon # Copied from com.apple.ppp.l2tp.plist reinplace \ "s|^ProgramArguments|ProcessTypeInteractive\\ PreventsSleep\\ EnableTransactions\\ EnablePressuredExit\\ &|" \ ${prefix}/etc/${startupitem.location}/org.macports.${name}/org.macports.${name}.plist } notes "The macOS VPN Server's initial configuration uses installation-time\ network settings to provide a basic, working VPN server. Users must reconfigure the installation for their own network\ specifics by editing the files: ${SystemConfigurationPath}/com.apple.RemoteAccessServers.plist See `man 5 vpnd` for details. The VPN Pre-Shared Secret is stored in the System Keychain item\ com.apple.net.racoon, available within Keychain Access.app or\ /usr/bin/security. Post Installation: 1. It is necessary to configure local accounts for CHAP authentication\ by adding ',SMB-NT,CRAM-MD5,RECOVERABLE' to the account's\ AuthenticationAuthority ShadowHash list of methods. dscl . read /Users/username AuthenticationAuthority sudo dscl . change /Users/username AuthenticationAuthority \\ \";ShadowHash;HASHLIST:\" \\ \";ShadowHash;HASHLIST:\" passwd The `passwd` command or re-login may be necessary to populate macOS's\ user shadow hash database. Note that MS-CHAPv2 is compromised, and the\ only secure component of this VPN is a strong random PSK. 2. The router and firewall must be configured to forward and pass UDP ports\ 500, 1701, and 4500." livecheck.type none