# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.0 name mathgl version 8.0.1 revision 5 categories math license GPL-3 maintainers {mps @Schamschula} openmaintainer description MathGL is a library for making high-quality scientific graphics. long_description {*}${description} MathGL is also a library for the fast data \ plotting and data processing of large data arrays a library for \ working in window and console modes and for easy embedding into \ other programs and a library with large and growing set of graphics. platforms darwin homepage http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/ master_sites sourceforge checksums rmd160 f00e3b8ac0973eeef89a5509110845692094824d \ sha256 ca84bf9480c39ed3112e920c16ce3d8f2898698f62896f3a57714128622a55aa \ size 23979834 depends_build-append \ port:gettext depends_lib-append path:lib/libfltk.dylib:fltk \ port:gettext-runtime \ port:giflib \ port:libpng \ path:include/turbojpeg.h:libjpeg-turbo \ port:zlib \ port:gsl \ port:hdf5 # find correct site-package location #patchfiles-append patch-python.diff configure.args-append \ -Denable-arma=OFF \ -Denable-fltk=ON \ -Denable-gif=ON \ -Denable-png=ON \ -Denable-jpeg=ON \ -Denable-gsl=ON \ -Denable-hdf5=ON \ -Denable-openmp=OFF \ -Denable-zlib=ON \ -Denable-glut=OFF \ -Denable-wx=OFF \ -Denable-pdf=OFF \ -Denable-qt4=OFF \ -Denable-qt5=OFF \ -Denable-python=OFF \ -Denable-lua=OFF \ -Denable-octave=OFF # install cmake files in the correct location configure.args-append \ -DMGL_LIB_INSTALL_DIR=${prefix}/lib configure.cflags-append \ -DH5_USE_18_API # currently broken # see https://sourceforge.net/p/mathgl/discussion/508393/thread/fb61ebd073/ # variant arma description {Enable armadillo support} { # compiler.cxx_standard 2011 # compiler.thread_local_storage yes # # depends_lib-append port:armadillo # configure.args-replace -Denable-arma=OFF -Denable-arma=ON # } variant qt5 description {Enable Qt5 widget} { PortGroup qt5 1.0 qt5.depends_component \ qtwebkit configure.args-replace \ -Denable-qt5=OFF -Denable-qt5=ON # avoid dependency on qt5-qtwebkit #configure.args-append -Denable-json-sample=OFF } variant python38 conflicts python39 python310 description {Use Python 3.8} {} variant python39 conflicts python38 python310 description {Use Python 3.9} {} variant python310 conflicts python38 python39 description {Use Python 3.10} {} foreach pv {310 39 38} { if {[variant_isset python${pv}]} { set python_branch "[string index ${pv} 0].[string range ${pv} 1 end]" depends_build-append port:swig-python depends_lib-append \ port:python${pv} \ port:py${pv}-numpy configure.args-replace -Denable-python=OFF -Denable-python=ON configure.args-append -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/python${python_branch} pre-destroot { reinplace "s|-38.pyc|-${pv}.pyc|" ${worksrcpath}/lang/cmake_install.cmake } break } } #currently broken #variant pdf description {Enable pdf support} { # depends_lib-append port:libharu # configure.args-replace -Denable-pdf=OFF -Denable-pdf=ON #} livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}/doc_en/Download.html livecheck.regex "${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}"