# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 github.setup tetsuok arowpp 0.1.3 v revision 0 checksums rmd160 a639f1cc171e63a51e080f576ef000e9ccd6cc3d \ sha256 d3762df1d560d418d16b7b58eec35a573c566575db3c639a54c0f664cccb0edc \ size 31413 categories math textproc maintainers nomaintainer description AROW++ An implementation of the efficient confidence-weighted classifier long_description arowpp (AROW++) is an simple and efficient implementation of \ Adaptive Regularization of Weights online learning algorithm \ for binary classification. AROW is efficient for learning \ tasks such as natural language processing tasks that the \ data is high-dimensional, extremely sparse. AROW is an \ extension of confidence weighted (CW) algorithm that can \ achieve the good performance with a few iterations. platforms darwin license BSD github.tarball_from archive depends_build port:bazel patchfiles fix-build.patch use_configure no compiler.cxx_standard 2011 # Need to figure out how to tell Bazel to use the right compiler and flags. # Other ports using Bazel, like py-tensorflow, may provide guidance. build.cmd ${prefix}/bin/bazel build.target build build.args //:arow_learn //:arow_test destroot { # The build system doesn't support installing so we have to do it manually. # https://github.com/tetsuok/arowpp/issues/3 xinstall -W ${worksrcpath}/bazel-bin arow_learn arow_test ${destroot}${prefix}/bin xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath}/src arowpp.h ${destroot}${prefix}/include # There isn't a dynamic library anymore. # https://github.com/tetsuok/arowpp/issues/6 xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath}/bazel-bin libarowpp.a ${destroot}${prefix}/lib set docdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -d ${docdir} xinstall -m 0644 -W ${worksrcpath} \ AUTHORS \ BSD \ COPYING \ ChangeLog \ README.md \ ${docdir} }