PortSystem	1.0

name		spellutils
version		0.7
categories	mail
maintainers	{geeklair.net:dluke @danielluke} openmaintainer
description	Spellutils provides the newsbody and pospell programs.
license		GPL-2+

long_description	Spellutils is a suite of programs which are used \
			to isolate some parts or texts from various types \
			of files and hand them over to another program which \
			may change the texts\; it is typically a spell \
			checker. Afterwards the possibly changed text parts \
			are copied back in place in the original file.

homepage	http://home.worldonline.dk/byrial/spellutils/
master_sites	${homepage}

use_bzip2	yes
checksums           rmd160  dcb4a52687ac967f67624aa4a13174adcd67c7aa \
                    sha256  0d5723321b6d60f31a93a43708904b2fddfcff3ec2fdd30e13214c64dd28e875 \
                    size    110421

depends_lib	port:gettext

configure.env	LIBS=-lintl

patchfiles  patch-configure.diff