PortSystem 1.0 name xotcl version 1.6.7 revision 2 categories lang license {Tcl/Tk BSD} maintainers {wu.ac.at:neumann @gustafn} openmaintainer description Extended Object Tool Command Language long_description Extended Object Tcl (for short: XOTcl, pronounced exotickle) is an \ object-oriented scripting language based on Tcl. It was originally \ designed for providing language support for design patterns and provides \ novel constructs such as filters or transitive mixin classes. \ The language is designed for empowering rather than constraining \ system developers. The basic object model is highly influenced by CLOS. platforms darwin homepage http://media.wu-wien.ac.at # Set tclv and checksums to the current MacPorts Tcl port version, though port doesn't # break if they aren't in sync. set tclv 8.6.0 master_sites sourceforge:project/xotcl/xotcl/${version}:xotcl \ sourceforge:project/tcl/Tcl/${tclv}:tcl dist_subdir tcltk distname ${name}-${version} distfiles ${distname}.tar.gz:xotcl \ tcl${tclv}-src.tar.gz:tcl checksums ${distname}.tar.gz \ md5 ff136c3237eb11fad257576ee02579db \ sha1 230f83e192e0666785e52c037130bd8caa9cb9e7 \ rmd160 cbf2f0f1476c09425a69e12d109eb2f8d0ac2815 \ tcl${tclv}-src.tar.gz \ md5 573aa5fe678e9185ef2b3c56b24658d3 \ sha1 fc57fc08ab113740a702bb67d4f350f8ec85ef58 \ rmd160 656d100ad89d3c63596159b43c36f0fbd0507aca depends_lib port:tcl \ port:tk configure.cflags "-I${workpath}/tcl${tclv}/generic -I${workpath}/tcl${tclv}/unix" configure.args --enable-threads --with-tcl=${prefix}/lib --with-tk=${prefix}/lib \ --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \ --with-tcl=${prefix}/lib \ --with-tclinclude=${workpath}/tcl${tclv}/generic/ test.run yes test.target test use_parallel_build no