PortSystem 1.0

name             monotone-viz
version          1.0.2
revision         3
categories       devel
license          GPL-2+
maintainers      nomaintainer
description      Graph visualization for the monotone VCS
long_description Monotone-viz is a small GTK+ application that \
		 visualizes monotone  ancestry graphs.
homepage         http://oandrieu.nerim.net/monotone-viz/
platforms        darwin
master_sites     ${homepage}
distname	 ${name}-${version}-nolablgtk
worksrcdir	 ${name}-${version}

checksums        md5     fd08341b456c80d03d7d21c989a1e813 \
                 sha1    cebc1e9266ab69f05804cd7b7fe9ca3e4a6eb98f \
                 rmd160  358057a826651bb69f7b82aaad04c2fb3ef98788

depends_build    port:pkgconfig
depends_lib      port:ocaml \
                 port:libgnomecanvas \
                 port:lablgtk2 \
                 path:bin/dot:graphviz \

# there is no 'all' target
build.target-delete all

# ... and 'install' does by default nothing
destroot.pre_args -B install