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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           github 1.0

github.setup        jmmv lutok 0.4 lutok-
categories          devel
license             BSD
maintainers         nomaintainer

description         Lutok is a lightweight C++ API library for Lua.
long_description    Lutok provides thin C++ wrappers around the Lua C \
                    API to ease the interaction between C++ and Lua. \
                    These wrappers make intensive use of RAII to \
                    prevent resource leakage, expose C++-friendly \
                    data types, report errors by means of exceptions \
                    and ensure that the Lua stack is always left \
                    untouched in the face of errors.

github.tarball_from releases
checksums           md5     5da43895d9209f8c19d79433dd046b3f \
                    sha1    f13ea7cd8344e43c71c41f87c9fdbc2b9047a504 \
                    rmd160  4eb9e52dda238ac6051c7d73fc481955b39e9079

depends_build       path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig
depends_lib         port:lua