PortSystem 1.0

name		libproplist
version		0.10.1
revision	1
categories	devel
license		LGPL
maintainers	nomaintainer
description	Property library for GNOME and Window Maker
platforms	darwin

long_description The purpose of libPropList is to closely mimick the \
		 behaviour of the property lists used in GNUstep/OPENSTEP \
		 and to be compatible with it.

homepage	http://www.windowmaker.org/
master_sites	ftp://ftp.windowmaker.org/pub/libs/ \
		freebsd \

distname	libPropList-${version}
set filename	${distname}${extract.suffix}
distfiles	${filename} ltconfig13:lt ltmain13:lt

checksums	${filename} md5 ff32a4edbf9d0861012b2f10fd302ad5 \
		ltconfig13 md5 ea53f42a550c9f9e653758a8ed91574e \
		ltmain13 md5 e094ae92724c4015dbab97de151c2525

extract.only	${filename}

patchfiles	patch-config.guess patch-config.sub

set libver	1

post-build	{ system "${configure.cc} [get_canonical_archflags] -dynamiclib -install_name ${prefix}/lib/libPropList.${libver}.dylib -compatibility_version ${libver} ${worksrcpath}/.libs/libPropList.a -o ${worksrcpath}/.libs/libPropList.${libver}.dylib" }

post-destroot	{ xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/.libs/libPropList.${libver}.dylib ${destroot}${prefix}/lib }