# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 github.setup espeak-ng espeak-ng 1.51.1 revision 0 checksums rmd160 9ba7cdc9f3b58af9a65d27395ea6451d812adcba \ sha256 0823df5648659dcb67915baaf99118dcc8853639f47cadaa029c174bdd768d20 \ size 14260107 # Should use releases but the 1.51 release download is incomplete and # 1.51.1 doesn't have a release download. # https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/issues/1390 github.tarball_from archive categories audio maintainers {ryandesign @ryandesign} openmaintainer license GPL-3+ description multi-lingual software speech synthesizer long_description eSpeak NG is a compact open source software text-to-speech synthesizer for Linux, Windows, \ Mac, Android and other operating systems. It supports more than 100 languages and accents. \ It is based on the eSpeak engine created by Jonathan Duddington. conflicts espeak depends_lib port:pcaudiolib \ port:sonic # No configure script in archive. use_autoreconf yes autoreconf.cmd ./autogen.sh set ruby_version 3.2 set ruby_version_no_dot [string map {. {}} ${ruby_version}] depends_build port:automake \ port:autoconf \ port:libtool \ path:bin/pkg-config:pkgconfig \ port:rb${ruby_version_no_dot}-ronn-ng \ port:rb${ruby_version_no_dot}-kramdown if {[vercmp ${version} 1.51.1] <= 0} { patchfiles-append ChangeLog.patch post-patch { move ${worksrcpath}/CHANGELOG.md ${worksrcpath}/ChangeLog.md } } patchfiles-append N_PATH_HOME.patch configure.env RONN=${prefix}/bin/ronn-${ruby_version} \ KRAMDOWN=${prefix}/bin/kramdown-${ruby_version} configure.args --disable-silent-rules \ --with-extdict-cmn \ --with-extdict-ru \ --with-extdict-yue \ --without-gradle # Disable MBROLA speech synthesizer which is on by default but does not # work on operating systems like macOS that don't have /proc. # https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/issues/336 configure.args-append \ --without-mbrola # https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/blob/master/docs/building.md#building-1 # "Building the voice data does not work when using the -jN option. # If you want to use that option, you can run:" build.target src/espeak-ng src/speak-ng build.post_args && ${build.cmd} test.run yes test.env DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=src \ ESPEAK_DATA_PATH=. test.cmd src/espeak-ng "Testing." -w test.wav test.target