PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup  gnustep 1.0

name			netclasses
version			1.06
platforms		darwin
license			LGPL-2.1+
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		Asynchronous networking library
long_description	Netclasses is an asynchronous networking library that \
				works natively on OS X, and any of the various \
				platforms supported by GNUstep.  It greatly \
				simplifies the task of putting together \
				networking applications.

homepage		http://netclasses.sf.net/
master_sites	sourceforge:project/netclasses/netclasses/${version}

checksums		md5 7d00f92743c85d60bfa4fb8b798d5af6
use_bzip2		yes

depends_lib		port:gnustep-base

array set gnustep.post_flags {
    Source "-lobjc -lgnustep-base"

use_configure   yes