PortSystem  1.0
PortGroup   gnustep 1.0

name        gnustep-dl2
version     0.10.1
platforms   darwin
license     GPL-2+
maintainers nomaintainer
homepage    http://www.gnustep.org/experience/GDL2.html

description  GNUstep Database Library 2 (GDL2)
long_description \
    The GNUstep Database Library 2 (GDL2) \
    is a set of libraries to map Objective-C objects \
    to rows of relational database management systems (RDBMS). \
    It aims to be compatible with Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF) \
    as released with WebObjects 4.5 from Apple Inc

master_sites  gnustep:libs freebsd
checksums     md5 59ce3b8407cfdc6d25901e97e17c9cc5
depends_lib   port:gorm

patchfiles    patch-DefaultColumnProvider.h patch-DefaultColumnProvider.m
post-patch {
    reinplace "s|db2control|db2control -lgnustep-gui|g" \
    reinplace "s|lEOInterface|lEOInterface -lGorm|g" \