PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup  gnustep 1.0

name			Renaissance
version			0.8.0
platforms		darwin
license			GPL-2+
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		create user interfaces via XML files
long_description	GNUstep Renaissance allows you to describe your user \
				interfaces (that is, the windows in your application, and the \
				buttons, boxes, textfields, etc in the windows) in simple and \
				intuitive XML files, using an open, standard format describing \
				the logic of the interface.

homepage		http://www.gnustep.it/Renaissance/
master_sites	${homepage}/Download/
checksums		md5 520d8fe210491b5646bb4743a72560b1

depends_lib	    port:gnustep-gui

build.args-append LINK_AGAINST_ALL_LIBS=yes