This patch is against gtk+-1.2.6 and gnome-libs-1.0.53 This patch adds a functionality i call blippieness; which is, that the menus and toolbars are hidden as long as the mouse is not in the window, hence, the document or other, keyboard modifiable widgets are given more space. Other widgets may as well be registered to blipp, but only menus and toolbars do it by default (But that's easy to change). The main usage of this is if someone implements a driver for the new MS mouse that sends a signal when you touch a releases it. This driver may then send a enter nodify/leave notify to the window with the cursor when the mouse is tuched and released, respectively. This would result in, that when you put your hands on the keyboard to write a text in your textprocessor, the menus dissapear, and your possible maximized window is filled with the text you are editing, only. As soon as you put your hand on the mouse again, the mouse-modifiable widgets appears again. More conceptional/philosophical information is available from The newest version of this patch is allways available from