#!/usr/bin/env python """fpm2db - refresh a Frugalware database from a repository Usage: python fpm2db [options] Options: -D, --delete The specified pkg can be deleted with this command. -F, --force Update database entry regardless of status. -f ..., --fpm=... The .fpm package. (optional when using -D) -m ..., --mainpkg=... The name of the parent .fpm package. (required when using -D) -g ..., --maingrp=... The group of the .fpm package. (optional) -h ..., --host=... The host where the database is located. (optional) -u ..., --user=... The user of the database. (optional) -p ..., --password=... The password for the database. (optional) -d ..., --dbname=... The name of the database. (optional) """ import getopt, re, os, hashlib, string, sys, time import MySQLdb class package: def __init__(self, fpm, parent=None, parentgrp=None): self.cursor=None self.id=None self.uploader_id=0 self.parent=parent self.parentgrp=parentgrp self.parent_id=0 self.updateable=True self.nobuild = False self.pkgname = re.sub("-[^-]+-[^-]+-[^-]+.fpm", "", fpm) if not self.parent: self.parent = self.pkgname self.pkgver = re.sub('.*-([^-]+-[^-]+)-[^-]+.fpm', r'\1', fpm) self.arch = os.getcwd().split('-')[-1] try: self.fwver = os.getcwd().split('/')[-2].split('-')[1] except IndexError: # this is some not frugalware-foo repo, just skip it sys.exit(0) if 'uploader' in os.environ.keys(): self.uploader = os.environ['uploader'] else: try: self.uploader = os.environ['SUDO_USER'] except KeyError: self.uploader = os.environ['HOME'].split('/')[-1] try: os.stat(fpm) except OSError: # check if this is a nobuild fpm if self.getnobuild(): self.nobuild = True else: self.updateable=False return self.files=[] if not self.nobuild: socket = os.popen("pacman-g2 -Ql -p %s" % fpm) while True: file = socket.readline().strip().replace("%s " % self.pkgname, "") if not file: break else: self.files.append(file) socket.close() self.abis=[] if not self.nobuild: socket = os.popen("../tools/dumpabi '%s'" % fpm) while True: abi = socket.readline().strip() if not abi: break else: self.abis.append(abi) socket.close() self.conflicts=[] self.depends=[] self.groups=[] self.licenses=[] self.provides=[] self.desc=None self.url=None self.builddate=None self.usize=None if not self.nobuild: socket = os.popen("pacman-g2 -Qi -p %s" % fpm) else: command = """ source /usr/lib/frugalware/fwmakepkg source %s [ -z "$conflicts" ] && conflicts=('None') [ -z "$depends" ] && depends=('None') [ -z "$groups" ] && groups=('None') [ -z "$license" ] && license=('None') [ -z "$provides" ] && provides=('None') cat << EOF Conflicts With : ${conflicts[@]} Depends On : ${depends[@]} Groups : ${groups[@]} License : ${license[@]} Provides : ${provides[@]} Description : $pkgdesc URL : $url Build Date : $(date -u "+%%a %%b %%e %%H:%%M:%%S %%Y" --date="`stat -c "%%y" %s`") UTC Size : 0 EOF """ fb = "../source/%s/%s/FrugalBuild" % (self.parentgrp, self.parent) socket = os.popen(command % (fb, fb)) buf = ''.join(socket.readlines()).replace('\n ', ' ') socket.close() for line in re.sub(' {2,}', ' ', buf).split('\n'): key = line.split(':')[0].strip() # a common list for depends/provides/etc, though it # will fail for build date and others which is normal try: values = line.strip().split(' : ')[1].split(' ') except IndexError: pass if key == "Conflicts With": self.conflicts = values elif key == "Depends On": self.depends = values elif key == "Groups": self.groups = values elif key == "License": try: self.licenses = values except IndexError: pass elif key == "Provides": self.provides = values elif key == "Description": # FIXME: we here hardcore the encoding of the FBs if not self.desc: self.desc = "".join(line.split(' : ')[1:]).decode('latin1') elif key == "URL": self.url = "".join(line.split(' : ')[1:]) elif key == "Build Date": self.builddate = "".join(line.split(' : ')[1:])[:-4] elif key == "Size": self.usize = string.atoi(line.split(' : ')[1]) if not self.parentgrp: self.parentgrp = self.groups[0] self.maintainer=None try: self.maintainer = self.getmaintainer() except IOError: # this happens when the group is changed but there was # no rebuild. we don't want to update the db in this # case self.uploader=None if not self.nobuild: ctx = hashlib.new("sha1") socket = open(fpm) while True: buf = socket.read(16384) if not buf: break ctx.update(buf) self.sha1sum = ctx.hexdigest() self.size=os.stat(fpm).st_size else: self.sha1sum = "" self.size = 0 def getmaintainer(self): ret = "" socket = open("../source/%s/%s/FrugalBuild" % (self.parentgrp, self.parent)) while True: line = socket.readline() if not line: break if line[:14] != "# Maintainer: ": continue # FIXME: we here hardcore the encoding of the FBs ret = line[14:].strip().decode('latin1') break socket.close() return ret def getnobuild(self): command = ' source /usr/lib/frugalware/fwmakepkg' command += ' ; source %s' command += ' ; [ -n "${nobuild}" ] && exit 1' command += ' ; echo ${options[@]} | grep -q nobuild && exit 1' command += ' ; exit 0' fb = "../source/%s/%s/FrugalBuild" % (self.parentgrp, self.parent) try: os.stat(fb) except OSError: return False return os.system(command % fb) def splitver(self, pkg): for i in ['>=', '<=', '=']: try: pos = pkg.index(i) except ValueError: continue return pkg[:pos], pkg[pos:] return pkg, None def insertlist(self, member): li = getattr(self, member) for i in li: if i == "None": return self.cursor.execute("""insert into %s (pkg_id, %s) values (%%s, %%s);""" % (member, member[:-1]), (self.id, i)) def insertgroups(self): for i in self.groups: # get the group id or insert it if necessary self.cursor.execute("select id from groups where name = %s limit 1", (i)) row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row: gid = row['id'] else: self.cursor.execute("insert into groups (name) values (%s);", (i)) self.cursor.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()") row = self.cursor.fetchone() gid = row['LAST_INSERT_ID()'] # now link the pkg with this group self.cursor.execute("""insert into ct_groups (pkg_id, group_id) values (%s, %s);""", (self.id, gid)) def dellist(self, member): self.cursor.execute("delete from %s where pkg_id = %d" % (member, int(self.id))) def insertlistid(self, member): li = getattr(self, member) for i in li: if i == "None": return # slice the version if found if member == "depends": i, ver = self.splitver(i) else: ver=None # get the id of i self.cursor.execute("""select id from packages where pkgname = %s and arch = %s and fwver = %s limit 1""", (i, self.arch, self.fwver)) row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row: id = row['id'] else: # print "WARNING: can't find %s '%s'!" % (member, i) continue if not ver: self.cursor.execute("""insert into %s (pkg_id, %s_id) values (%%s, %%s);""" % (member, member[:-1]), (self.id, id)) else: self.cursor.execute("""insert into %s (pkg_id, %s_id, version) values (%%s, %%s, %%s);""" % (member, member[:-1]), (self.id, id, ver)) def insertlists(self): for i in ["depends", "conflicts", "provides"]: self.insertlistid(i) for i in ["files", "licenses", "abis"]: self.insertlist(i) self.insertgroups() def dellists(self): for i in ["depends", "conflicts", "provides", "files", "licenses", "ct_groups", "abis"]: self.dellist(i) def delete(self): # check if there is such a package & get the id self.cursor.execute("""select id from packages where pkgname = %s and arch = %s and fwver = %s""", (self.parent, self.arch, self.fwver)) row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row: self.id = row['id'] else: print 'WARNING: package %s not found, probably already deleted!' % (self.parent) return self.cursor.execute("delete from packages where id = %d" % self.id) self.dellists() def update(self, force): # do we really need this update? if not self.uploader: return if not self.updateable: print "Can't find the package!" return self.cursor.execute("""select id, pkgver from packages where pkgname = %s and arch = %s and fwver = %s limit 1""", (self.pkgname, self.arch, self.fwver)) row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row and row['pkgver'] == self.pkgver and not force: return elif row: self.id = row['id'] # uploader_id and parent_id self.cursor.execute("select id from uploaders where login = %s limit 1", (self.uploader)) row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row: self.uploader_id = row['id'] else: self.cursor.execute("insert into uploaders (login) values (%s);", (self.uploader)) self.cursor.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()") row = self.cursor.fetchone() self.uploader_id = row['LAST_INSERT_ID()'] if self.parent: self.cursor.execute("""select id from packages where pkgname = %s and arch = %s and fwver = %s limit 1""", (self.parent, self.arch, self.fwver)) row = self.cursor.fetchone() if row: self.parent_id = row['id'] # time to insert to the packages table if not self.id: self.cursor.execute(''' insert into packages (pkgname, pkgver, `desc`, url, sha1sum, arch, size, usize, parent_id, maintainer, uploader_id, fwver, builddate) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s); ''', (self.pkgname, self.pkgver, self.desc, self.url, self.sha1sum, self.arch, self.size, self.usize, self.parent_id, self.maintainer, self.uploader_id, self.fwver, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.strptime(self.builddate)))) self.cursor.execute("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()") row = self.cursor.fetchone() self.id = row['LAST_INSERT_ID()'] self.insertlists() else: self.cursor.execute(''' update packages set pkgname = %s, pkgver = %s, `desc` = %s, url = %s, sha1sum = %s, arch = %s, size = %s, usize = %s, parent_id = %s, maintainer = %s, uploader_id = %s, fwver = %s, builddate = %s where id = %s ''', (self.pkgname, self.pkgver, self.desc, self.url, self.sha1sum, self.arch, self.size, self.usize, self.parent_id, self.maintainer, self.uploader_id, self.fwver, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.strptime(self.builddate)), self.id)) self.dellists() self.insertlists() def usage(): print __doc__ def main(argv): # defaults update = True force = False fpm = "" mainpkg = None maingrp = None host = "" user = "" password = "" dbname = "" # option parsing try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "DFf:h:u:p:d:m:g:", ["delete", "force", "fpm=", "host=", "user=", "password=", "dbname=", "mainpkg=", "maingrp="]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-D", "--delete"): update = False elif opt in ("-F", "--force"): force = True elif opt in ("-f", "--file"): fpm = arg elif opt in ("-m", "--mainpkg"): mainpkg = arg elif opt in ("-g", "--maingrp"): maingrp = arg elif opt in ("-h", "--host"): host = arg elif opt in ("-u", "--user"): user = arg elif opt in ("-p", "--password"): password = arg elif opt in ("-d", "--dbname"): dbname = arg # check for missing options if fpm != "" or (mainpkg != "" and not update): pass else: raise "missing -f package!" if host == "": host = "localhost" if user == "": user = "fpm2db" if password == "": password = "C6fO?o3qy" if dbname == "": dbname = "frugalware2" # autodetection os.unsetenv("LANG") os.unsetenv("LC_ALL") pkg = package(fpm, mainpkg, maingrp) conn = MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=password, db=dbname) pkg.cursor = conn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) if update: pkg.update(force) else: pkg.delete() conn.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])