FD-REPOv1 Build time: 1618789706 ../freedos/files/repositories/latest/unix 19 cal 1.07a Calendar program, akin to UNIX 'cal' 1F411158 du 1.0a Display disk usage, ala UNIX 'du' 06943F69 gnubc 1.02a bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. Syntax is similar to C, but differs in many substanti 0830ED30 gnused 4.2.2a GNU sed is the GNU implementation of the POSIX stream editor `sed'. F2EBC298 grep 2.0a grep searches files (or standard input) for lines that match a given pattern. The pattern may be a regular expr 8B1FBBC8 head 1.0a displays a part of a file A7482ECC less 291a Less is a program similar to more, but which allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement. 7ABEBAC6 md5sum 3.0a MD5 Checksummer FFB5ABDB minibox 0.7a Small Linux commands for resource limited systems A3563F3D nro 1.2a A text processor similar to nroff on UNIX 37EA5B6B sleep 1.0a sleep is similar to the UNIX utility of the same name. sleep can be used to suspend execution of batch files fo 098C1F2F tail 7.02a View the last part of a file. Like UNIX "Tail". E7A6995B tee 2.0.3a Saves a copy of its input to a file, while printing a copy to stdout 3B24EE4B touch 1.4.4a Set the date + time stamp on a file like *nix "touch" F9B90ABB trch 3.1g Translates characters. This used to be the UNIX2DOS program, but translating characters can do more for 42C1610C uptime 7.02a Reports uptime, even inside DOSEmu. Similar to UNIX "uptime". 5F195797 uptimec 2.60a Reports uptime, even inside DOSEmu. Similar to UNIX "uptime". CA81034D which 2.1a which is a utility born in the UNIX world that enables users to find executable files in directories listed in 1C218C6C xgrep 1.03a Fast UNIX-like `grep' clone supporting regular expressions 1E357411