This is the release history for PAUSE: Ver 3.1b: Updated, by Achim Sondermann. His changes: >0.0:Wartet ... >0.1:Aufruf >0.2:Hinweis >1.0:... eine beliebige Taste ... **Some notes from Achim about the major changes (see 0.1 and 0.2): >Everyone seems to translate 'usage' with 'Benutzung' (eg. PAUSE.DE, >MORE.DE). :( This is wrong imo, 'Benutzung' in German means what for >and how to use something, 'usage' in English programs describes only >the command syntax. If you wanted to use 'Benutzung', it would have >to be written on top of the whole help screen. I think the reason for >the confusion is that 'to use' means 'benutzen' in German. > >'Benutzung' isn't listed in English/German dictonaries under 'usage'. >'Benutzung' is listed under 'use' instead. 'use' and 'utilization' is >listed under 'Benutzung' in German/English dictonaries. > >conclusion: 'usage' is not 'Benutzung' or 'Verwendung' > >There is no direct translation of 'usage' to German in this case. I >like the German translation of 'usage' in ARJ which is 'Aufruf'. >'Programmaufruf' is what the 'usage' line describes how to do. >'Programmaufruf' is too long, the 'usage' line might need an >additional line on the screen. So I have used 'Aufruf' which usually >means something slightly different (call, summons, proclamation) while >'Programmaufruf' is the process of starting the program (if the >program itself is the actor) or what the user does to run it. > >the term 'usage' isn't used in the original MS/PC DOS programs, it >seems to come from unix; if you type 'xyz -h' in unix, programs >display only the syntax line, everything else is described in the man >pages on some systems even the arrangement of the options matters this >has changed with the GNU utilities though Ver 3.1a: Added, contributed by Jörg Jenderek Ver 3.1: added, contributed by Martin Str|mberg Ver 3: added international support using "Cats" library Ver 2: re-write to be cleaner code Ver 1: First version, released as part of the FreeDOS Utilities package in 1994.