CentOS 3.3 Release Notes

   Copyright (c) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
   Vopyright (c) 2005 CentOs Project.



   The following topics are covered in this document:

     o Changes to the CentOS installation program

     o General information

     o Changes to drivers and hardware support

     o Changes to packages

Changes to the CentOS Installation Program (Anaconda)

   The following section includes information specific to the CentOS
   installation program, Anaconda.


   In order to upgrade an already-installed CentOS 3 system
   to Update 3, you must use yum to update those packages that
   have changed. The use of Anaconda to upgrade to Update 3 is not supported.

   Use Anaconda only to perform a fresh install of CentOS 3
   Update 3.

     o If you are copying the contents of the CentOS 3
       Update 3 CD-ROMs (in preparation for a network-based installation, for
       example) be sure you copy the CD-ROMs for the operating system only.
       Do not copy the Extras CD-ROM, or any of the layered product CD-ROMs,
       as this will overwrite files necessary for Anaconda's proper

       These CD-ROMs must be installed after CentOS has
       been installed.

General Information

   This section contains general information not specific to any other
   section of this document.

     o CentOS 3.3 adds the most recent version of
       the KornShell (ksh) to the CentOS Extras CD.
       KornShell is a shell programming language for both interactive and
       shell script use, and is upward compatible with the Bourne Shell (sh).

       The new ksh package is an optional alternative to pdksh, which is
       already included in the core distribution. It is useful in
       circumstances where precise compatibility with AT&T ksh semantics is

     o The autofs package, which controls the operation of the automount
       daemons running on CentOS, has been updated to
       version 4. This update provides full backward compatibility with
       version 3. Additionally, it adds the following features:

          o Browsable mounts (ghosting) -- Ghosting of map directories allows
            you to see the directories in the autofs map without mounting
            them. When they are accessed (such as when a directory listing is
            requested) the map entry is mounted so that it is seen.

          o Replicated Server support -- Replicated server functionality
            allows the administrator to specify map entries that point to
            multiple, replicated servers. The automount daemon attempts to
            determine the best server to use for mounts by testing the
            latency of an rpc_ping to each available server. Weights may also
            be assigned to the servers, allowing for more administrator
            control. Refer to the
            /usr/share/doc/autofs-4.1.3/README.replicated-server file for
            additional map format information.

          o Executable maps -- A map can now be marked as executable. The
            initscript that parses the auto.master map passes this as a
            program map to the auto-mounter. A program map is called as a
            script with the key as an argument. It may return no lines of
            output if there is an error, or one or more lines containing a
            map (with \ quoting line breaks). This feature is useful for
            implementing /net functionality.

          o Multi-mounts -- This feature allows the automount daemon to seek
            multiple lookup methods in succession. For example, a lookup
            could query NIS and file maps.

     o The version of the httpd Web server included as part of CentOS
       3 Update 3 includes several significant changes:

          o The mod_cgi module has been enhanced to correctly handle
            concurrent output on stderr and stdout

          o SSL environment variables defined by mod_ssl can be used directly
            from mod_rewrite using the %{SSL:...} syntax. For example,
            "%{SSL:SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE}" may expand to "128".

            Similarly, SSL environment variables can be used directly from
            mod_headers using the %{...}s syntax.

          o The mod_ext_filter module is now included

          o The minimal acceptable group id that will be used by suexec has
            been lowered from 500 to 100. This allows the use of suexec with
            users belonging to the "users" group.

     o CentOS 3.3 includes a new disk dump facility
       that can serve as an alternative to, (or in addition to) the CentOS
       netdump facility.

       When the disk dump facility is configured and enabled, upon a system
       crash, the contents of memory will be written to the configured disk
       location. Upon reboot, the data will be copied from the configured
       disk location and formatted into a vmcore file. This file is identical
       in nature to files created by the netdump facility, and is stored in a
       unique subdirectory of /var/crash/. The vmcore file may then be
       analyzed using the crash(8) utility.

       Currently, only x86- or IA64-based systems with SCSI subsystems that
       use the aic7xxx, aic79xx, or MPT Fusion drivers are supported. In
       addition, the disk dump facility requires the dedication of a disk
       device or partition large enough to contain all of physical memory.
       This disk space must be configured and preformatted before use. After
       doing so, the disk dump facility can then be enabled using chkconfig,
       and the service started.

       The kernel modules required for the disk dump facility are included
       with the CentOS 3.3 kernel. The associated
       user-space package is named diskdumputils and, like the netdump
       user-space package, is installed by default.

       For more information, refer to the following resources:

          o /usr/share/doc/diskdumputils-0.4.0-0/README

          o diskdumpfmt(8) man page

          o diskdumpctl(8) man page

          o savecore(8) man page

Changes to Drivers and Hardware Support

   This update includes bug fixes for a number of drivers. The more
   significant driver updates are listed below. In some cases, the original
   driver has been preserved under a different name, and is available as a
   non-default alternative for organizations that wish to migrate their
   driver configuration to the latest versions at a later time.


   The migration to the latest drivers should be completed before the next
   CentOS update is applied, because in most cases only one
   older-revision driver will be preserved for each update.

   These release notes also indicate which older-revision drivers have been
   removed from this kernel update. These drivers have the base driver name
   with the revision digits appended; for example, megaraid_2002.o. You must
   remove these drivers from /etc/modules.conf before installing this kernel

   Keep in mind that the only definitive way to determine what drivers are
   being used is to review the contents of /etc/modules.conf. Use of the
   lsmod command is not a substitute for examining this file.

   Adaptec RAID (aacraid driver)

     o The aacraid driver has been updated from 1.1.2 to 1.1.5-2339

     o The new driver is scsi/aacraid/aacraid.o

     o The older driver has been preserved as

   LSI Logic RAID (megaraid driver)


   The megaraid2 driver includes support for a number of new host bus
   adapters (certain PERC4 and Serial ATA products) that are not supported by
   the megaraid driver. If your system contains these newer products
   exclusively, the megaraid2 driver is loaded by default. If you have the
   older products exclusively, the megaraid driver will continue to be the

   However, if you have a mix of old and new MegaRAID adapters, then the
   driver that is selected depends on the order in which the adapters are
   scanned. (Note that you cannot have both the megaraid and megaraid2
   drivers loaded at the same time.) If the default driver on your system is
   not the desired one, take one of the following actions:

     o If you are installing the system, type the following command at the
       boot prompt:

 expert noprobe

       Next, select the desired driver from the subsequent menu.

     o If the system is already installed, edit /etc/modules.conf and change
       the "alias scsi_hostadapter" lines referring to the megaraid or the
       megaraid2 driver to the desired driver. Note that after making any
       changes to /etc/modules.conf you must rebuild the initrd image; refer
       to the mkinitrd man page for further details.

     o The megaraid2 driver has been updated from v2.10.1.1 to v2.10.6-RH1

     o The new driver is scsi/megaraid2.o

     o The older driver has been preserved as

     o The v2.00.9 driver has been removed

     o The default driver remains the v1.18k driver (megaraid.o)

   IBM ServeRAID (ips driver)

     o The ips driver has been updated from 6.11.07 to 7.00.15

     o The new driver is scsi/ips.o

     o The older driver has been preserved as addon/ips_61107/ips_61107.o

     o The ips 6.10.52 driver (ips_61052.o) has been removed

   LSI Logic MPT Fusion (mpt* drivers)

     o These drivers have been updated from to 2.05.16

     o The new drivers are located in message/fusion/

     o The older drivers have been preserved in addon/fusion_20511

     o The 2.05.05+ drivers (mpt*_20505.o) have been removed

   Compaq SA53xx Controllers (cciss driver)

     o The cciss driver has been updated from 2.4.50.RH1 to v2.4.52.RH1

   QLogic Fibre Channel (qla2xxx driver)

     o These drivers have been updated from 6.07.02-RH2 to 7.00.03-RH1

     o The new drivers are located in addon/qla2200

     o The older driver has been preserved in addon/qla2200_60702RH2

     o The 6.06.00b11 drivers (qla2*00_60600b11.o) have been removed


   The QLA2100 adapter has been retired by QLogic. This adapter is no longer
   supported by QLogic. Therefore, the driver is located in the
   kernel-unsupported package.

   Emulex Fibre Channel (lpfc driver)

     o This driver has been added to the distribution. The version is 7.0.3

     o The driver is located in addon/lpfc

   Intel PRO/1000 (e1000 driver)

     o This driver has been updated from to 5.2.52-k3

   Intel PRO/100 (e100 driver)

     o This driver has been updated from version 2.3.30-k1 to 2.3.43-k1

   Broadcom Tigon3 (tg3 driver)

     o This driver has been updated from v3.1 to v3.6RH

Changes to Packages

   This section contains listings of packages that have been updated, added,
   or removed from CentOS 3 as part of Update 3. Packages
   that have been built for multiple architectures are listed with the target
   architecture in parentheses.


   These package lists include packages from all variants of CentOS 3. 
   Your system may not include every one of the packages
   listed here.

   The following packages have been updated from CentOS 3
   Update 2:

     o ImageMagick

     o ImageMagick-c++

     o ImageMagick-c++-devel

     o ImageMagick-devel

     o ImageMagick-perl

     o MAKEDEV

     o XFree86

     o XFree86-100dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-75dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-ISO8859-14-100dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-ISO8859-14-75dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-ISO8859-15-100dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-ISO8859-15-75dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-ISO8859-2-100dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-ISO8859-9-100dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts

     o XFree86-Mesa-libGL (i386)

     o XFree86-Mesa-libGL (ia64)

     o XFree86-Mesa-libGLU (i386)

     o XFree86-Mesa-libGLU (ia64)

     o XFree86-Xnest

     o XFree86-Xvfb

     o XFree86-base-fonts

     o XFree86-cyrillic-fonts

     o XFree86-devel

     o XFree86-doc

     o XFree86-font-utils

     o XFree86-libs (i386)

     o XFree86-libs (ia64)

     o XFree86-libs-data

     o XFree86-sdk

     o XFree86-syriac-fonts

     o XFree86-tools

     o XFree86-truetype-fonts

     o XFree86-twm

     o XFree86-xauth

     o XFree86-xdm

     o XFree86-xfs

     o anaconda

     o anaconda-runtime

     o arpwatch

     o at

     o autofs

     o bash

     o bind

     o bind-chroot

     o bind-devel

     o bind-utils

     o bison

     o cdda2wav

     o cdrecord

     o cdrecord-devel

     o chkconfig

     o comps

     o control-center

     o cpp

     o crash

     o cups

     o cups-devel

     o cups-libs

     o cvs

     o dev

     o dhclient

     o dhcp

     o dhcp-devel

     o eclipse

     o elfutils

     o elfutils-devel

     o elfutils-libelf

     o elfutils-libelf-devel

     o ethereal

     o ethereal-gnome

     o ethtool

     o expect

     o expect-devel

     o expectk

     o file-roller

     o gcc

     o gcc-c++

     o gcc-g77

     o gcc-gnat

     o gcc-java

     o gcc-objc

     o gdb

     o glibc (i686)

     o glibc (ia64)

     o glibc-common

     o glibc-debug

     o glibc-devel

     o glibc-headers

     o glibc-kernheaders

     o glibc-profile

     o glibc-utils

     o gnome-panel

     o grep

     o gtk+

     o gtk+-devel

     o gtkhtml3

     o gtkhtml3-devel

     o httpd

     o httpd-devel

     o hwdata

     o imap

     o imap-devel

     o imap-utils

     o initscripts

     o itcl

     o jpackage-utils

     o kdelibs

     o kdelibs-devel

     o kernel

     o kernel-doc

     o kernel-source

     o kernel-unsupported

     o kernel-utils

     o krb5-devel

     o krb5-libs (i386)

     o krb5-libs (ia64)

     o krb5-server

     o krb5-workstation

     o laus

     o laus-devel

     o lha

     o libcap

     o libcap-devel

     o libf2c

     o libgcc (i386)

     o libgcc (ia64)

     o libgcj (i386)

     o libgcj (ia64)

     o libgcj-devel

     o libgnat

     o libgtop2

     o libgtop2-devel

     o libobjc

     o libpcap

     o libpng

     o libpng-devel

     o libpng10

     o libpng10-devel

     o libstdc++ (i386)

     o libstdc++ (ia64)

     o libstdc++-devel

     o lvm

     o mdadm

     o metacity

     o mkisofs

     o mod_auth_pgsql

     o mod_authz_ldap

     o mod_ssl

     o modutils

     o modutils-devel

     o ncompress

     o net-snmp

     o net-snmp-devel

     o net-snmp-perl

     o net-snmp-utils

     o nfs-utils

     o nptl-devel

     o nscd

     o nss_ldap

     o ntp

     o ntsysv

     o openldap

     o openldap-clients

     o openldap-devel

     o openldap-servers

     o openmotif

     o openmotif-devel

     o openssl (i686)

     o openssl (ia64)

     o openssl-devel

     o openssl-perl

     o pam

     o pam-devel

     o parted

     o parted-devel

     o passwd

     o perl

     o perl-CGI

     o perl-CPAN

     o perl-DB_File

     o perl-suidperl

     o php

     o php-devel

     o php-imap

     o php-ldap

     o php-mysql

     o php-odbc

     o php-pgsql

     o popt

     o postfix

     o ppp

     o procps

     o pvm

     o pvm-gui

     o qt

     o qt-MySQL

     o qt-ODBC

     o qt-PostgreSQL

     o qt-designer

     o qt-devel

     o rdist

     o readline

     o readline-devel

     o redhat-config-bind

     o redhat-config-kickstart

     o redhat-config-network

     o redhat-config-network-tui

     o redhat-config-proc

     o redhat-config-securitylevel

     o redhat-config-securitylevel-tui

     o rh-postgresql

     o rh-postgresql-contrib

     o rh-postgresql-devel

     o rh-postgresql-docs

     o rh-postgresql-jdbc

     o rh-postgresql-libs

     o rh-postgresql-pl

     o rh-postgresql-python

     o rh-postgresql-server

     o rh-postgresql-tcl

     o rh-postgresql-test

     o rhnlib

     o rhpl

     o rp-pppoe

     o rpm

     o rpm-build

     o rpm-devel

     o rpm-python

     o rpmdb-redhat

     o rsync

     o rusers

     o rusers-server

     o samba

     o samba-client

     o samba-common

     o samba-swat

     o schedutils

     o sendmail

     o sendmail-cf

     o sendmail-devel

     o sendmail-doc

     o shadow-utils

     o squid

     o squirrelmail

     o strace

     o sysklogd

     o sysstat

     o tcl

     o tcl-devel

     o tcl-html

     o tcllib

     o tclx

     o tcpdump

     o tix

     o tk

     o tk-devel

     o tux

     o unixODBC

     o unixODBC-devel

     o unixODBC-kde

     o up2date

     o up2date-gnome

     o utempter

     o vixie-cron

     o xemacs

     o xemacs-el

     o xemacs-info

     o xinetd

     o xscreensaver

     o ypserv

   The following packages have been added to CentOS 3
   Update 3:

     o XFree86-devel (i386)

     o anacron

     o atk (i386)

     o authd

     o bash (i386)

     o bind-libs

     o bootparamd

     o bridge-utils (i386)

     o compat-db (i386)

     o compat-gcc (i386)

     o compat-gcc-c++ (i386)

     o compat-libstdc++-devel (i386)

     o cracklib (i386)

     o cups-libs (i386)

     o cyrus-sasl (i386)

     o diskdumputils

     o eal3-certification

     o eal3-certification-doc

     o eclipse-lomboz

     o eclipse-rhaps-develserver

     o elfutils-libelf (i386)

     o emacspeak

     o evolution-connector

     o festival

     o gdb (i386)

     o gdbm (i386)

     o glib (i386)

     o glib2 (i386)

     o glibc-devel (i386)

     o gtk2 (i386)

     o krbafs (i386)

     o laus-libs (i386)

     o laus-libs (ia64)

     o libacl (i386)

     o libart_lgpl (i386)

     o libattr (i386)

     o libcap (i386)

     o libcap-devel (i386)

     o libjpeg (i386)

     o libobjc (i386)

     o libpng (i386)

     o libstdc++-devel (i386)

     o libtermcap (i386)

     o libtiff (i386)

     o ncurses-devel (i386)

     o nss_db (i386)

     o nss_db (ia64)

     o nss_ldap (i386)

     o openldap (i386)

     o openmotif (i386)

     o openoffice.org

     o openoffice.org-i18n

     o openoffice.org-libs

     o openssl096b (i386)

     o pam (i386)

     o pam-devel (i386)

     o pam_krb5 (i386)

     o pam_smb (i386)

     o pango (i386)

     o popt (i386)

     o prelink

     o qt-config

     o readline (i386)

     o redhat-lsb (i386)

     o samba (i386)

     o strace (i386)

     o tcl (i386)

     o tclx (i386)

     o tk (i386)

     o zlib-devel (i386)

   The following packages have been removed from CentOS 3
   Update 3:

     o java-javadoc

   ( ia64 )