Date: 14 Aug 88 Message No: 008 To: TeX implementors and distributors From: Barbara Beeton Subject: TeX 2.93, again; LaTeX and AMS-TeX I received the following message from Don Knuth on July 13, as I was preparing to go to TeX88 in Exeter: Subject: minor problem with TeX version 2.5 The variable cur_order should be initialized to something, because there are Pascal compilers that don't allow you to say "a:=b" when b hasn't been given a value (even if that value is never used). I'll put that fix into version 2.93 so that the changes are confined to TEX.WEB alone. The bug really won't hurt anybody except a brand new implementor. So this change should be incorporated into TeX 2.93; there will be no change in the version number. Below you will find the new additions to TeX82.BUG, a comparison between the TeX.WEB files for versions "2.93a" and "2.93b", and additions to ERRATA.TeX. There were no changes to TRIP.*. All relevant files are now up to date at SCORE. TRIP.TeX and TRAP.MF were sent several weeks ago. I will be breaking the .LOG files into pieces and sending them soon, also the "auxiliary" files -- .TYP, .PL, etc. There have been some recent changes to LaTeX. The following items are included below: differences between the addenda file from 12 May 88 through the latest, and differences in SliTeX.TeX from 10 November 86 through 8 June 88. I have no earlier version of the addenda file to compare; if you would like the complete file sent, please let me know, and I will be happy to mail it. A file of differences between LaTeX.TeX of December 85 through the latest is being mailed separately; it is very large ( >52K bytes), and may have to be mailed in more than one section. I am sorry that I could not use a more convenient version of LaTeX, but the only ones I have available are from December 85 and April 88, and it seemed that using the older one would be helpful to more of you, since I have not previously distributed any LaTeX updates. There are some notes at the beginning of the LaTeX differences file that you should read before doing anything with the file. A small change has been made to the distribution version of AMSTeX.TeX, to fix a bug in \dots that shows up in some rather obscure circumstances. The details are described in the file AMSTeX.CHG. Both files are at Score in . AMSTeX is now at version 1.1d. If you are distributing AMSTeX and cannot retrieve the files from Score, please let me know, and I will mail you the up-to-date files; please include a list of all the AMSTeX-related files you now have, and their dates. Other files in the group have been changed within the past year, but the changes were not too well advertised. Finally, please acknowledge your receipt of this message. Several new names have been added to the list, and some addresses have changed. I'd like to make sure that they're all working. ######################################################################## Additions to TeX82.BUG 346. An omission from change 333 (Tsunetoshi Hayashi, reported 20June88) @x module 439 cur_val:=0; cur_val_level:=int_val; radix:=0; @y cur_val:=0; cur_val_level:=int_val; radix:=0; cur_order:=0; @z 347. (I sincerely hope that there won't be any more) ######################################################################## Differences between TeX.WEB for "2.93a" and for "2.93b" ;COMPARISON OF TX:TEX-2-93A.WEB.2 AND TX:TEX-2-93B.WEB.1 ;OPTIONS ARE /E /3 **** FILE TX:TEX-2-93A.WEB.2, 10-221 (115829) else t:=lo_mem_max+1+(hi_mem_min-lo_mem_max)div 2; {|lo_mem_max+2<=tTEX-2-93B.WEB.1, 1-2656 (115838) else t:=lo_mem_max+1+(hi_mem_min-lo_mem_max) div 2; {|lo_mem_max+2<=tTEX-2-93A.WEB.2, 19-61 (240643) @!d:integer; {number of characters already in current string} @!p:pointer; {index in |hash| array} **** FILE TX:TEX-2-93B.WEB.1, 1-5388 (240665) @!d:integer; {number of characters in incomplete current string} @!p:pointer; {index in |hash| array} *************** **** FILE TX:TEX-2-93A.WEB.2, 27-506 (371247) cur_val:=0; cur_val_level:=int_val; radix:=0; @ The |scan_int| routine is used also to scan the integer part of a **** FILE TX:TEX-2-93B.WEB.1, 1-8483 (371280) cur_val:=0; cur_val_level:=int_val; radix:=0; cur_order:=0; @ The |scan_int| routine is used also to scan the integer part of a *************** ######################################################################## Extracts from ERRATA.TeX (differences as compared with previous version) ;COMPARISON OF TX:ERRATA.TEX.7 AND TX:ERRATA.TEX.1 ;OPTIONS ARE /E /3 **** FILE TX:ERRATA.TEX.7, 3-6 (4791) \bugonpage B2, line 32 (5/24/88) \ninepoint\noindent\hskip10pt **** FILE TX:ERRATA.TEX.1, 3-6 (4791) \bugonpage B2, line 32 (6/19/88) \ninepoint\noindent\hskip10pt *************** **** FILE TX:ERRATA.TEX.7, 3-114 (8343) \bugonpage B181, line 31 (4/28/88) **** FILE TX:ERRATA.TEX.1, 3-114 (8343) \bugonpage B177, bottom line before mini-index (7/13/88) \ninepoint\noindent\hskip10pt $\\{cur\_val}\gets0$; \ $\\{cur\_val\_level{\gets\\{int\_val}; \ $\\{radix}\gets0$; \ $\\{cur\_order}\gets0$; \bugonpage B181, line 31 (4/28/88) *************** **** FILE TX:ERRATA.TEX.7, 5-6 (19157) \bugonpage D2, line 27 (5/25/88) \ninepoint\noindent\hskip10pt **** FILE TX:ERRATA.TEX.1, 5-6 (19368) \bugonpage D2, line 27 (6/20/88) \ninepoint\noindent\hskip10pt *************** ######################################################################## Differences between the LaTeX ADDENDUM.TeX file from 12 May through 20 July 88 ;COMPARISON OF TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-AUG88.1 AND TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-MAY88.30 ;OPTIONS ARE /E /3 **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-AUG88.1, 1-3 (98) % 20 July 1988 These are all the errors and omissions to the manual, \LaTeX: {\em A Document Preparation System} reported by 20 July 1988. \subsection{First Four Printings} **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-MAY88.30, 1-3 (98) % 12 May 1988 These are all the errors and omissions to the manual, \LaTeX: {\em A Document Preparation System} reported by 13 April 1988. \subsection{First Four Printings} *************** **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-AUG88.1, 1-348 (10049) \subsubsection*{page 71, last line} Change ``comand'' to ``command''. % William LeFebvre, 2 Jun 88 \subsubsection*{page 84} **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-MAY88.30, 1-348 (10049) \subsubsection*{page 84} *************** **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-AUG88.1, 1-408 (11960) \subsubsection*{Page 162, line 6} Replace ``{\tt heading}'' by ``{\tt headings}''. % Mathieu Federspiel 18 Jul 88 \subsubsection*{Page 177, line 1} **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-MAY88.30, 1-404 (11856) \subsubsection*{Page 177, line 1} *************** **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-AUG88.1, 1-441 (12964) \subsubsection*{page 217} Add an index entry ``diacritical marks, see accents''. % Suggested by Hank Lewis 22 May 88 \subsubsection*{page 219, index entry for ``figures''} Remove the ``and'' from the subentry for ``output by **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-MAY88.30, 1-434 (12743) \subsubsection*{Page 219, index entry for ``figures''} Remove the ``and'' from the subentry for ``output by *************** **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-AUG88.1, 1-450 (13247) \subsubsection*{page 219, column 1, line 3} Replace ``anomolous'' by ``anomalous''. % Martin Abadi 20 Jul 88 \subsubsection*{page 223, left column, line 2} **** FILE TX:ADDENDUM.TEX-MAY88.30, 1-439 (12904) \subsubsection*{page 223, left column, line 2} *************** ######################################################################## Differences in SliTeX.TeX from 10 November 86 through 8 June 88 ;COMPARISON OF TX:SLITEX.TEX.4 AND TX:SLITEX.TEX-NEW.1 ;OPTIONS ARE /E /3 **** FILE TX:SLITEX.TEX.4, 1-1 (0) % SLITEX VERSION 2.09 - RELEASE OF 10 November 86 % Copyright (C) 1986 by Leslie Lamport \everyjob{\typeout{SliTeX Version 2.09 - Release 10 November 86}} \immediate\write10{SliTeX Version 2.09 - Release 10 November 86} % NOTES FOR DEFINING FONTS AND STYLES FOR SLIDES **** FILE TX:SLITEX.TEX-NEW.1, 1-1 (0) % SLITEX VERSION 2.09 <8 Jun 1988> % Copyright (C) 1986 by Leslie Lamport \everyjob{\typeout{SliTeX Version 2.09 <8 Jun 1988>}} \immediate\write10{SliTeX Version 2.09 <8 Jun 1988>} % NOTES FOR DEFINING FONTS AND STYLES FOR SLIDES *************** **** FILE TX:SLITEX.TEX.4, 6-1 (22440) \message{output,} **** FILE TX:SLITEX.TEX-NEW.1, 5-112 (22396) % array and tabular environments: changes to `|', \hline, \cline, and \vline % added 8 Jun 88 \def\@arrayrule{\if@visible\@addtopreamble{\hskip -.5\arrayrulewidth \vrule \@width \arrayrulewidth\hskip -.5\arrayrulewidth}\fi} \def\cline#1{\if@visible\@cline[#1]\fi} \def\hline{\noalign{\ifnum0=`}\fi \if@visible \hrule \@height \arrayrulewidth \else \hrule \@width \z@ \fi \futurelet \@tempa\@xhline} \def\vline{\if@visible \vrule \@width \arrayrulewidth \else \vrule \@width \arrayrulewidth \@height \z@ \@depth \z@ \fi} \message{output,} *************** ######################################################################## [ end of message 008 ] -------