NAME Mail::Milter::Authentication - A Perl Mail Authentication Milter VERSION version 3.20241011 SYNOPSIS Subclass of Net::Server::PreFork for bringing up the main server process for authentication_milter. This class handles the server aspects of Authentication Milter. For individual Protocol handling please see the Mail::Milter::Authentication::Protocol::* classes For request handling please see Mail::Milter::Authentication::Handler Please see Net::Server docs for more detail of the server code. Please see the output of 'authentication_milter --help' for usage help. DESCRIPTION A Perl Implementation of email authentication standards rolled up into a single easy to use milter. METHODS preload_modules( $from, $matching ) Preload (pre-fork) lazy loading modules. Takes a Package Name and a Base module, and loads all modules which match. write_to_log_hook() Hook which runs to write logs idle_loop_hook() Hook which runs in the parent periodically. pre_loop_hook() Hook which runs in the parent before looping. run_n_children_hook() Hook which runs in parent before it forks children. child_init_hook() Hook which runs after forking, sets up per process items. child_finish_hook() Hook which runs when the child is about to finish. pre_server_close_hook() Hook which runs before the server closes. dequeue() Call the dequeue handlers get_client_proto() Get the protocol of the connecting client. get_client_port() Get the port of the connecting client. get_client_host() Get the host of the connecting client. get_client_path() Get the path of the connecting client. get_client_details() Get the details of the connecting client. process_request() Hook which runs for each request, passes control to metrics handler or process_main as appropriate. process_main() Method which runs for each request, sets up per request items and processes the request. send_exception_email() Send an email to the administrator with details of a problem. fatal($error) Log a fatal error and die in child fatal_global($error) Log a fatal error and die in child and parent setup_handlers() Setup the Handler objects. load_handler( $name ) Load the $name Handler module setup_handler( $name ) Setup the $name Handler object destroy_handler( $name ) Remove the $name Handler register_callback( $name, $callback ) Register the specified callback sort_all_callbacks() Sort the callbacks into the order in which they must be called sort_callbacks( $callback ) Sort the callbacks for the $callback callback into the right order destroy_objects() Remove references to all objects get_queue_id() Return the queue ID (for logging) if possible. enable_extra_debugging() Turn on extra debugging mode, will cause child to exit on close. extra_debugging( $line ) Cause $line to be written to log if extra debugging mode is enabled. logerror( $line ) Log to the error log. loginfo( $line ) Log to the info log. logdebug( $line ) Log to the debug log. FUNCTIONS get_installed_handlers() Return an array ref of installed handler modules. send_panic_email() Send an email to the administrator with details of a problem. Called from the parent process if the server exits. get_valid_pid($pid_file) Given a pid file, check for a valid process ID and return if valid. find_process() Search the process table for an authentication_milter parent process control($command) Run a daemon command. Command can be one of start/restart/stop/status. start($hashref) Start the server. This method does not return. $hashref = { 'pid_file' => 'The pid file to use', # 'daemon' => 1/0, # Daemonize process? } AUTHOR Marc Bradshaw COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2020 by Marc Bradshaw. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.